The American Red Cross recommends that senior citizens create a personal support network made up of several individuals who will check in on them in an emergency to ensure their wellness and to give assistance if needed. This network can consist of friends, roommates, family members, relatives, personal attendants, co-workers and neighbors. It is suggested that a minimum of three people are identified at each location where one regularly spends a significant part of their week, for example; at work, home, school or volunteer site.
There are seven important items to discuss, give to and practice with a personal support network:
* Make arrangements, prior to an emergency, for your support network to immediately check on you after a disaster and, if needed, offer assistance.
* Exchange important keys.
* Show where you keep emergency supplies.
* Share copies of your relevant emergency documents, evacuation plans and emergency health information card.
* Agree and practice a communications system regarding how to contact each other in an emergency. Do not count on the telephones working.
* You and your personal support network should always notify each other when you are going out of town and when you will return.
* The relationship should be mutual. Learn about each other's needs and how to help each other in an emergency. You could be responsible for food supplies and preparation, organizing neighborhood watch meetings and interpreting, among other things. For emergency supplies see