
"The Caregiver" - A Noble Calling

Throughout the years of serving in the wonderful healthcare field, we have seen caregivers of every kind. One thing we've learned is that being a truly, good caregiver is just not for everyone. This kind of person is a special breed. So what makes them so special? There are 3 attributes that differentiate the angelic caregivers from the pack- Their tender hearts, their patience and their keen sense of when to take a break.

No doubt, the heart of these caregivers are at least double in size. Their mission in life is to serve, to give, to love unconditionally. They have a passion for geriatric service and giving their whole heart is just natural, because they truly care.

Patience is needed by anyone attempting to care for the elderly. These type of caregivers have developed patience through their experience. They understand the aging process and know the frustrations that the elderly often times feel. We salute the patience of these champion caregivers!

Those that have cared for the elderly, especially full time, know that there are times when to take a step back. The minute these caregivers aren't giving their 100% effort, which is deserved, it's time to take a step back and regroup. This is nothing to be ashamed of but if/when burnout is reached, they know. They pride themselves in doing the right thing. They know that being a caregiver is a noble calling and deserves the best efforts.

Certainly, not everyone is meant for this service. Those that are, we acknowledge you as ANGELS and the world needs more of you!